Competitions And Outings

John Macdonald Trophy

Artloch Fishery (Huntly) – Sunday 11th June, 9am - 4pm

The second leg of the John MacDonald Trophy will be held on Sunday May 26th., starting at 10am. We have changed the venue from the newsletter to Artloch fishery near Huntly - £20 for 6 hours catch and release bank fishing for hard fighting rainbows. Please let Martin Webster or Robert 07990 943724 know if you intend to come.

Fishing starts at 9am until 4pm so we will be meeting in the car park no later than 9:30am. Cost will be £20 depending on numbers and cash only please. Please bring your lunch, suitable clothing and sun protection!

The competition is still wide open after the first leg at Delgatie Castle so feel free to come along even if you did not manage the first leg, as it has always been a good day out for club members and with a chance of some big fish coming up to feed!

Tight lines






John McDonald Shield
(2 leg competition)

1st leg Delgatie Caste   10am - 4pm
2nd leg Artloch fishery 10am - 4pm

Saturday   May 05th
Sunday     May 26th

Somers Blind Pairs

Lochter Fishery          9am –4pm    soup and sarnies

Sunday      August 18th

Andy Gordon Shield

Crossley Quarry         9am to 2pm

Saturday   July 20th  

David’s Trophy

Loch Insch                  9am –3:30pm    bacon butties

Sunday      Sept 15th  



Bob Massie Shield

Allochie                    10am – 2pm

Sunday      June 23rd

President’s Trophy

Loch Insch                  9am – 3:30pm    Bacon Butties

Sunday      Sept 15th 



Bob Dickie Cup

River Cowie

Largest seatrout all season

Syd Horne Cup

River Cowie

Largest fish all season

Doshie Keith Cup

Manse Pool River Cowie

Largest fish all season

Jim Donald Cup

Estuary Pool River Cowie

Largest fish all season

Andy Gordon Shield

Adults Competition

Crossley- Saturday 20th July

9am to 2pm

Bob Massie Shield

Junior Competition

Allochie – Sunday 23rd June

10am – 2pm

Somers Blind Pairs

Lochter– Sunday 18th August

9am –4pm

Soup and Sarnies

President's Trophy

Junior Competition

Insch Fishery - Sunday 15th September

09:00 to 16:00

David's Trophy

Adults Competition

Insch Fishery - Sunday 15th September

09:00 to 16:00

Bob Dickie Cup
River Cowie - Heaviest Sea Trout - All season

Syd Horne Cup

River Cowie - Heaviest Salmon - All season

Doshie Keith Cup

Manse Pool River Cowie - Largest Fish – All season

Jim Donald Cup

Estuary Pool River Cowie - Largest Fish – All season

Finally can we take this opportunity to remind you that for the two trophies on the river Cowie (largest sea trout and largest salmon); it is your responsibility to register a claim. This can be done by either contacting a member of the committee or via the new club competitions mailbox with details of the catch (feel free to keep your fly choice and exact location a secret) and ideally with supporting photograph or witness.

Tight lines to everyone for the new season...

For further information on competitions and outings please do not hesitate to contact Robert Prentice by e-mail or any other committee member.

Keep an eye on this page regularly and use our Facebook page for updates or to see any last-minute changes to the venue or dates.